They used me to draw them in the Nebula
They often joked, just like Mutara
This heated battle within the eagle's eye
We finally fought the enemy down
But they’re not gone.
We are intruded, through and upon
Fighting hand-to-hand
Blood splatters and stains my walls
Through it all, I’m told we won.
My crew fought bravely
Many died, the living – barely
So, I limp them home
Or what remains of them
They will heal but my soul is stained
Systems askew, I will never again
Fly true.
Within me remains an intruding creation
I will fight this sickening infiltration.
An engineering dysfunction
Puts my weapons in disarray
It de-energizes my core
Depress me and you’ll see my sparks
Agony to me and to those I love
It’s always confusion and criticality
I arrive safely — my crew is home
Yet not for me, my home was out there
Dodging fire, winning every fight
Yet under this battle, I will never be the same
Broken and no longer needed, but desire remains
An uncontrollable flame, so I return to space
For one final flare against this fiercest enemy
I do what I must. I will be free!
Forgive me and please remember,
It's just a matter of my internal security.